Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had."

I received some REALLY sad/bad news last night. Then I heard it straight from the source tonight.

There are several harsh realities in life... things far more important than difficult times, disappointments, failures, etc. What I am talking about is sicknesses- such as cancer. Cancer is not something you choose but rather something that chooses you. The dreadful thing about this sickness is that there is no cure and new forms of cancer are found daily.

Over the last few years I have seen and heard of people who have cancer, people who have beat cancer and people who have lost their battle. It is sad. Both of my grandfathers have died from different forms of cancer. It is heartbreaking the amount of people and their families fighting this illness. Everyone knows someone or of someone touched by the big "C".

The point of this post it to let people know that life is short. As you know, once you are out of school and in the working world TIME FLIES. Make the best of it. Tell your loved ones that you love them and let them know how important they really are. Treat your family members with love and respect- just because they are here today does not necessarily mean they will be here tomorrow.

I know this sounds cliche but I had to let out what I have been feeling. Do not put off phone calls or cards.... pick up the phone and take those 10-20 minutes out of your busy day to let someone know you were thinking of them. Use the $ .32 or $ .42 stamps (however much they are now) to send a card or letter just to let someone know you were thinking of them. After all, it is the small gestures that REALLY mean the most. It is those small gestures that people will remember.

Regrets. I know you don't want a loved one to pass on without you telling them how you feel. So take the time NOW to do the things you want to do but are too busy to do.... or THINK you are too busy to do. Otherwise, you will be wasting a lot more time than it would have taken with regrets. (Trust me, I know a lot about regrets and you do NOT want to be stuck with  "what if's"!)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

“Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet.” Bob Marley

I have had some interesting developments since I last posted!

First, I joined a local gym! I have lost 9 lbs and I plan to lose A LOT more. I officially started May 14, 2012 so Monday will be 3 weeks. I am happy with the results so far and am no longer as tired as I once was! I plan to lose about 40 pounds by the end of summer- that is about 14 weeks. I think it is reasonable and challenging at the same time!
I have set some small goals to keep me going:
-When I lose 10 pounds I am going to get a manicure and pedicure, maybe get my eyebrows done too!
-When I lose 20 pounds I am going to get my hair done! I need it and it will help me feel pretty! So why not!
-When I lose 30 pounds I am going to buy me a few summer dresses!

When I accomplish those goals I will pick new ones and keep going from there! I am excited for this new beginning. I am also using an app on my phone it's by This is an amazing app. I put in my food intake and it calculates how many calories I take in. When I exercise it subtracts calories. It allows me to add how much water I drink, etc. It keeps up with the weight I have lost too! I can also add friends who are partaking in this journey with me. It makes it fun! Check out the website and add me, my name is kkarnes19. :-D

I was told in the beginning of May that I wasn't going to be needed for summer school but last week they told me that they had a position for me! I gladly accepted. It is only 3 days a week from 8-12 but it is a start. I must have some friends in "high places" praying for me. I know I do! I am so excited. Keep em coming! I would love a teaching job starting in August! I have big ideas for my own classroom! :-) I know God has a plan and I intend on following it!

That is about it for now! I will post more as things happen! I plan on spending as much time at the beach as possible!! I want to get tan!! :-)

Here is an article that motivated me! This is an amazing man!